A creative mess is better than tidy idleness

Sunday, August 28, 2011

DIY trashcan turned clothes hamper

So, I had seen one time in a home decor magazine (probably Pottery Barn, but don't quote me on that) a boys' room decorated like a garage. It had diamond plate dressers, those clocks that look like tires...you get the idea. One of the things that was in this room spread...was a clothes hamper...that looked suspiciously like a trashcan. I thought...why in the world would I pay $50 (or more...probably more) for a trashcan??? But I could't let go of the idea.

Saturday morning, my mom, my youngest son, and I went out garage saling (yeah, I'm that cheap)...and I found this trashcan!!!

(I have no idea why, but all my pictures got turned sideways...and after 30 minutes of trying to fix them, I decided to leave them...I'm sure you all know what a trash can looks like right side up hahaha)

So, after bringing it home, I cleaned it up really good...it was after all...used. Then I got out some spray paint...this is the kind I used:

I like this kind, I've used it before on metal cabinets, metal filing cabinets, shelves, you name it. And it does a wonderful job, and the finish is just lovely. Not that, I'm quite sure, my sons will care about the lovely finish. I got this at Home Depot, and I think it was like $4 a can? This didn't even take half a can.

I set my garage sale trash can on a set of saw horses...if you don't have any saw horses, just put them out on your sidewalk or driveway or whatever. You can always lay down a few sheets of newspaper so you don't get it on your concrete. (*note...please use spray paint responsibly!! use in a well ventilated area and only use it for its intended purpose...thanks.)

I know this isn't the best picture...but this is the finished product. I think going the used trash can route was a good thing...I mean, it's for a boys' room! I could care less that there's dents in the sides haha...the way boys are, I'm sure it'll have a lot more before long. Anyway, of course, you can always use a new trashcan...I have no idea how much they cost, as I was way too cheap to even check :) (*note: I even painted the inside of this one, because this one had some rust inside it. You don't have to do that, obviously)

So until next time, Happy Crafting. And as always...if there's something you'd like to see done, or something you'd like to see more of...don't be shy...ASK!

Peace, Treyci

Saturday, August 27, 2011

technical difficulties

Ok...so I had planned on putting a post up today...and due to the fact that my internet is being a punk, and slow, and not letting me upload pictures or the video...I guess I'm not going to be doing that today....but...TOMORROW...i will try again, and hopefully the post for twisted fabric flowers will be up :)

Peace, Treyci

Friday, August 26, 2011


Hello, and welcome to my blog :) I hope you find something here that you'll enjoy. In this blog, I plan on exploring a lot of different crafts...I've got the attention span of a goldfish usually and I want to try and do EVERYTHING. It's my biggest weakness that I think I need to try everything at least once.

That being said...if there's a specific kind of craft you'd like to see done, or see done more often, please don't hesitate to ask. If I don't know how to do it...I'm sure I can find someone to teach me...or I know how Google works ;)

Plan on seeing some hairbow tutorial type posts, maybe some crochet patterns (although I'm not an experienced crocheter, so I'm not sure about that one), some scrapbooking ideas, random things that I think would make fun, easy Saturday crafts, and OH...kids crafts!! I don't know about all of you, but my sons enjoy making crafts from time to time...as long as they don't take too long to make, and I'm all about preserving the hobby for the future generation haha.

So, come on in, have a look around...I know it looks bare right now, but bear with me and I will remedy that shortly!!

Peace, Treyci